29 January 2007

Interesting Fact #7

Pandemic vs. Epidemic

No, I don't really know the difference (and I have not yet pulled out a dictionary), but these are the two words I heard over and over today. Last week, all of our classes were visibly smaller. Instead of 10-13 to a class, some classes were as small as 4 students. But you know the saying, "The show must go on." And so we did. But today (Monday), when I went to school, three of our English teachers were out sick. Usually this means that we have to figure out a way to cover all the classes they would normally teach, but, since the numbers were so low, we just ended up combining classes to make almost normal size classes. Around lunch time, my boss came to tell me that Narnia had cancelled school for the rest of the week. In Slovakia, there is a law that if 20% of your school population is out sick, you can cancel school. Well, on Monday, there was only 50% of the kids in school (and about that many teachers), so they cancelled school!

Hip, hip, hooray!
I felt like one of the kids I was so excited. I do have to go to school, but can focus on things like long term planning, organizing my cabinet (office) and getting caught up on things. And I can come in an hour later and leave an hour earlier. So, while words like pandemic and epidemic usually cause me to feel a sense of dread, today, they brought nothing but joy.


kacie said...

hey sista sista, where's the details on the big trip to italy? i want to see the picture of you and george clooney at his lake house :)

Anonymous said...

So what was it? Just the common cold or was there something going around town? Maybe everybody should do something like that and send everybody home when half the population is sick. I don't know what the stats are but if that were the case I don't think much would get done. The latest thing around here is they are telling people not to buy Peter Pan Peanut Butter and this one other kind because there have been numerous cases of salmonella. Also a little while ago they were scaring people about the lettuce at Taco Bell.