04 February 2007


Two Weeks Off... What shall we do?
With Christmas vacation fast approaching, this was the question that my roommates and I kept asking ourselves. We finally decided to go to Poland, but then a week before vacation, a Slovak friend told us that Poland wouldn't be the best as we would need visas, everything would be closed after Christmas, and it would be hard to get train tickets. So, after scouring Sky Europe for cheap airline tickets, we settled on Italy. We decided to go to Milan first, then head to Florence, then to Venice (for New Year's Eve), to Verona and then back to Milan. We booked hostels for all the cities and let our friend, Mel from Czech Republic, know our plans and she decided she would come with us.

Bags packed... We're off!
We decided to be very European and pack light. Just two sets of clothes- the one we were wearing and one fresh one in our bags. That way, we could easily carry everything with us if we needed too. We left Bratislava as the sun was setting (about 3:30pm), took the bus to the airport and flew to Milan. We found Mel, our hotel and dinner that night before heading off to sleep.

Milan and the Duomo
So, unless you are really into fashion, Milano doesn't have a lot to offer the average tourist. There are lots of expensive shops (Prada, Louis Vatton, Armani anyone?), but not many sights to see, except the Duomo. The Duomo is an amazing basilica and the third largest church in the world. We toured the inside and then climbed up what seemed like a million stairs to the roof. Truly awe inspiring! You can walk around the entire roof, climbing up even more stairs until you feel like you are on top of the world. It gives you a beautiful view of the city and an up close view of the amazing architecture, statues and carvings on the roof. We spent over and hour, walking around the roof, marveling at the amazing amount of work that went into the design and construction of this amazing building.

Lake Como and George Clooney
As previously stated, Milan really does not have much to offer, so when we found out that there was a lake, with hiking trails nearby, we decided to hop on the train and check it out. We arrived at Lake Como and enjoyed walking around the town and the lake. They were offering hour long boat rides and so we decided that would be fun. Being brave, we decided to sit outside, which was definitely the best choice. The lake is narrow and very long, so we only went around a small portion of it. We were able to take lots of pictures and see many picturesque Italian towns. Only later on did we discover that Lake Como is where George Clooney lives. We are still trying to discover if we have a picture of his house...

I just want to get to Florence...
Our plan was to leave to go to Florence on Friday and spend two days there. We headed to the train station in the morning and tried to buy a ticket. And tried, and tried, and tried... To no avail. All the trains were sold out. So, we tried a bus. And they were all sold out too. So, after racing around Milan trying to find something, we finally decided to just go to Venice early. And we had no problems getting tickets to Venice, so voila, off to Venice.

Gondolas, Ferry boats and New Year's Eve
Venice is truly amazing. A place not to be missed if you are going to Europe. We took a bus/boat to our hotel and spent our time in Venice walking through the streets by the canals and over bridges, or taking boats to explore some of the surrounding islands of Venice. We were able to see glass blowing on one island (something Venice is famous for) and the real Venice Beach on another. All in all a magical time. We spent New Year's Eve on St.Marks Square along with 35,000 other people. It was packed so tightly in places that the crowd just carried you along. They had tables and tables of white wine and bellinis - free for the taking, and a amazing fireworks display set to music. We ended up walking the streets of Venice until 2am, along with many other tourists and Veniciens. New Year's Day it was drizzling, so we just wandered around the city and did a little shopping.

Fair Verona...
Verona was our last stop on our Italian vacation. Their is a coliseum in Verona that is so huge and amazing. Walking around such huge ruins was breathtaking. It is like stepping into the movie the Gladiator. I couldn't help but think about all the Christians who boldly walked into a coliseum and faced the hungry lions, rather than deny Christ. Praise the Lord!

Back Home...
We spent our last day in Milan and couldn't wait to leave. We got up early, though, and went to see "The Last Supper." I never realized just how big it is. Unfortunately, the building it is housed in was damaged during the Second World War, and part of the roof was destroyed, so the painting is badly damaged. However, just standing near it and trying was breathtaking. Although there were probably around 30 people in our viewing group, it was silent. Everyone was taken with the painting. You are only allowed to view the masterpiece for fifteen minutes and then you are ushered out. There are no other works of art. Just one. Simple and yet magnificent. After our fifteen minutes were over, we headed back to our hotel room. We still had a couple of ours before we had to check out. Which we spent watching CNN - in ENGLISH! For those of you who don't know, it is absolutely amazing to hear the news in English (even if it is British English). After we checked out of our hotel, we wandered back to the Duomo and sat on a bench watching people pass by. When we were cold and hungry, we found a Burger King and had lunch and sat their for our last four hours in Italy. Tired of traveling, tired of eating out, tired of carrying all our possessions on our back, tired of hotels and just missing home.

Home, Sweet Home
We arrived back around 10pm and were very glad to be home. While traveling is great, the sights are thrilling, the food is amazing and the people are friendly, it is always the best to walk up to your front door, put the key in the lock and know that your bed awaits, that you can pull fresh clothes from the closet and you can walk around in your pajamas. Ahhh... home, sweet home.

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