22 September 2006

My flat

Welcome to our flat. Let me give you a tour...

Looking down the hallway to our little flat. Our laundry basket of shoes, since you never wear outside shoes in the house.

Our little bathroom.

Our combination laundry room/bathroom

Dining Room

The right side with the bookcase and piano.

The left side with the piano and the Olivia pictures and the door to the enteryway.

Living Room

The living room is opporsite the dining room. After mutliple attempts to upload the living room pictures I am calling it quits. Maybe another time...

Our kitchen "hutch" and our teeny, tiny oven.

Out little kitchen with our circle sink and our electric teapot.

We actually have a normal size fridge (many people have dorm size fridges).

Our extra table for preping and sitting on.

Our little tiny balcony that looks out onto the playground.

The little playground for our building.
Spare Room Our spare bedroom which doubles as Becky's and my closet. We love to have company. (Hint, hint, hint.)
Bedroom When you first walk in our room you can see Beckys bed on the left and Karins on the right. You can just see the corner of my purple comforter on the far right.

Karin's bed and my bed are right by the window, which looks out onto the little playground.

My little corner of the world.


Anonymous said...

definetly different... :] hoping your enjoyig it!!! :D

Anonymous said...

Hi just hi. I hope you are having fun. I miss you at Oster. From Dayja

Glad to see you are doing well. Keep us updated!!

Archie says hi too! =o)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenni,
I enjoyed your recent writings on Ignorance. It really touched me, especially about learning to be dependent on others and about the fact that God is in control. Thanks! You are a blessing.
Aunt Kerry