07 September 2006

My School!

Welcome to CS Lewis Bilingual High School and Narnia Elementary School

This is the enterance to my school. I live about a 20 minute walk, or a 15 minute bus ride/walk from my school.


My desk with the flowers my principal gave me for my birthday

The front of my classroom.
The backcorner of my classroom, the bulletion boards and our brand new rug!

The back table for small group work and our wonderful rug!

Our wall of windows that look out onto the entrance of the school.

The teacher's desk at the front of the room. Not that I will sit there...

Becky, Jenni, Daniel (the manager - headmaster) and Karin at the top of Devin Castle. The background is the hills of Vienna

Jayne, my head English teacher, waiting to go down the bobsled.
So fun, but so dangerous! One wrong turn and you go flying off the track and down the hill.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jenni
I'm guessing that you did not ride one of those bobsleds since you gave them such high remarks. It doesn't look that dangerous to me. She even has her purse with her it looks like. Oh yeah you forgot to mention your wonderful rug the third picture showing the rug! Hills of Vienna huh? So it is a real place and not just a place you see in pictures.

Anonymous said...

How wonderful is our technology?!? I LOVE seeing your clasroom ~ especially your hew rug. Hey, it's the little things that make a classroom a "home". I can totally appreciate it. Also, purple painted chairs...Hmmm. A whole new concept for me and you when you return! No more bulletin boards for me. Give me the table and chairs from now on! Glad you are getting out and about. Sounds like an amazing adventure so far. You've done so much in so little time. I'm tired just thinking about it! At any rate, I'm thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers. Love to you, EK

Anonymous said...

Wow Jenni! You have added so much since we last checked. It helps us a lot to see pictures of you there and pictures of the people you meet and are working with.....makes it real. Even though we talk and IM frequently, there is still new info in your blog for us to read. Keep up the good work....and know that we are praying for you daily! all our love, M & D

Anonymous said...

Hey Jenni...I like your classroom! It's not as cool as our summer school room with our crazy desks, but I like it anyways! I'm glad to hear you're doing great! It's not the same without you at school, but we're surviving somehow. Thanks for the e-mail and I'll try to be better at writing! - Lindsey

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenni,
I enjoyed reading your journals (for some reason, I don't like the word "blog"!) :) Great pictures!
Explain more about the bobsled ride??? Just an activity anyone can do for fun and entertainment? Very interesting!!
So happy you are able to enjoy and experience another part of God's earth. You are a great one for this teaching position.
Love, Carol Louber

Anonymous said...

My goodness miz world traveler! Sounds like you are getting into the swing of life oversees. How cool is it that your school is named South of Narnia? I like your classroom - the minimalist in me rejoices! :) I have to say that Mike and I both especially appreciated the HAMburger experiance! The pix are great - keep them coming. I wish I could be there with you...

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenni!!! This is my first to your blog but I already feel more connected to your new experiences. Your classroom is very cool (the flowers were a nice touch) and I love the bright colors. I envision you reading on that rug with your very blessed students and thriving as the teacher you were born to be, just way farther away than San Jose! I'll keep checking in regularly and praying for you.

Anonymous said...

P.S. It was awesome to see you this summer in Burbank and I feel special that you took time out to chill with Sami, Brooke, and I!

Anonymous said...

Jenni - awesome pics, thanks for sharing. It helps us picture you in your new environment. I know you're doing a great job, keep up the good work, and continue to make the most of this opportunity to take in the surrounding sights. Love Aunt Nancy

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenni! I was just thinking of you and said a little prayer for you...I miss you at school. The kids, too. Hey, I wanted to let you know that Josephine Marin has a new baby sister...and get the name: Clementine! Is that cute, or what?!? All are doing well as they adjust to a family of 6. Ryan is doing well in Mr. Hickey's class (which of course is due in part to his fabulous 1st grade teacher!) and Court is loving Mrs. Smith's class. She informs me she knows ALL the answers, she just doesn't know why she isn't called on all the time! Hilarious. I'm still "nanny-ing" the two little girls and surviving the remodel. Hopes it's done by the time you get home!
What's your weather like now? What's your biggest challenge so far? Know I'm thinking about you! EK