21 September 2007

Update for the new year

Hello dearest family and friends,
Well, here I am writing to you from Slovakia again. I arrived a month ago (Wow! Time flies when you are starting school) and I hit the ground running. School started two days after I arrived and I have been getting back into the swing of things ever since. Please pray that God will give me wisdom, patience and endurance this year. I am teaching more classes and am working hard at building relationships.
This year I am teaching 4 groups of 2nd graders (who are new to me), 2 groups of 3rd graders (last year's 2nd graders), 2 groups of 4th graders (3rd graders from last year and my favorite class), and 2 groups of 6th graders (last years 5th graders and my other favorite class). I am also teaching science in English to the 4th graders once a week. As an added bonus, I am teaching two openings a week, one with 4th graders and one with 6th graders. Openings are the first 15 minutes of the day and are designed to be a way to bring religion into the classroom on a daily basis. It is a great opportunity for me to share Jesus with my students (and their teachers) in an open environment. I am currently doing lessons about bullying with my 6th graders as this has been a big problem for them.
Last week with the 4th graders, I taught about how the Bible is like a mirror using the verse in James 1:23-25. I read a paraphrased version of the verse in English and talked about how we need to hear things more than once to remember them. Then, I took out a small tray that I had with 25 different small school items (paper clip, glue stick, pen, etc). I had them look at it for 30 seconds then covered it up. I then had them write down as many things as they could remember. None of them could remember more than a few. So, we liked that to English class and how I always present the new vocabulary and grammar many times. And the related both to how important it is to read the Bible and listen to the stories many times. They seemed to understand and enjoy the lesson, which is really neat for me to see. This is my class that last year thought they could fool around in my class because I didn't speak Slovak. It is so amazing to see how far they have come. And their teacher, Magda, who speaks very little English, told me later in the day that she understood it in English. It was a wonderful moment. Please pray that I will have wisdom and creativity to know how to present Jesus in a way that my students will understand.
It is amazing to think that I have already been here a month. When I left California, it was hot and definitely summer. I arrived here to much cooler temperatures, rain and the smell of fall in the air. The heaters have turned on in our building and while it may be warm during the day, it is best to take a sweater just in case, and at night a jacket. I am not really looking forward to a long cold winter, but I now know that I can survive.
Thank you all for your prayers and support. I love getting emails, phone calls and skype/yahoo/google chat messages. Please keep me in your prayers.


Bethany said...

Hi Jenni! Glad to see a new post...and glad you're doing well. Love you! BTW, the new format looks great. :o)

Anonymous said...

Now that I have internet I can finally be a good sister and actually read your blog. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi! I was wondering where you were exactly and how you are doing. It was fun to see you over the summer! Glad to know things are going well for you, if not BUSY! Things here are going very well ~ we all seem to love our new principal and he comes with LOTS of energy and enthusiasm. Seems like he's really invested in Oster. Nick started High School, Ryan started Middle at Dartmouth and Court has Dawn Ullmark for 4th. Susie and I still meet on Wed. and I even met another Christian mom at school! Yahoo! Let us know what you need; books, supplies, red-hots, etc. and we'll get them to you and your kids. Much love, E.

Anonymous said...

Even though I talk to you more than I read your blog, I still like to come in and read the new things you have added. I am looking forward to seeing pictures of your new flat...so hurry up! lol, Mom

Anonymous said...

Wow, your email just came yesterday and you already have 4 comments. You are popular! I will definitely pray for you. That seems like quite a heavy schedule but that you are taking it and running with it. Those "openings" sound like a wonderful opportunity. I will pray for that time. Keep you finger and toes warm.

Anonymous said...

Hey there Jenni!
It is amazing how quickly the first month has flown by! It is exciting that you get to teach the openings. I'm sure that it will open many doors. Look forward to seeing you next week.

Anonymous said...

Jenni - enjoyed your first update for this school year. So many opportunities to share your talents and your witness. We know God is good and he is using you to touch many lives. We are praying for you. I will share your entries w/Grandma. Aunt N