27 November 2006

Thankful for Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you, my friends, supports and family! (I know I am a little late, but I know it is never too late to give thanks for those you love!) I hope that you had a joyous, refreshing and relaxing thanksgiving.

I was able to spend Thanksgiving with other American teachers from Slovakia, Hungary and Czech Republic. On Thursday morning, (after sleeping in, Yeah!) we took the train to Brno in the Czech Republic. It is in the south of Czech, about an hour and a half from Bratislava, and is the second largest city in Czech, after Praha. On the train, we met up with all of the teachers from Hungary and had a very joyful and fun ride to Brno. Once in Brno, we made our way to the hotel. This was an adventure in itself as we had two families with us, with seven kids between them. It took us quite a while, but it was nice to visit with people and enjoy a nice stroll in the short daylight hours.

Pumpkin Pie!!!
After checking into our hotel rooms, we had a short meeting and then dinner. It was not like the dinners that I was used to (much simpler), but still good. We had a green salad, mashed potatoes (very yummy) and turkey. To make up for the simple dinner, we then went directly to desert. Which, since we had brought ourselves, there was in abundance. We had pumpkin pies, pumpkin cheesecake, pumpkin cake, apple pie, chocolate chip cookies, oatmeal cookies, Hershey kisses cookies, and spice bread. Yummy! And we all filled up on as much dessert as we could hold. Finally, it was feeling like Thanksgiving.

Phone Calls and Pictures
Then it was off to bed, or at least back to our rooms, where we caught up with friends we had not seen since training in California. I was able to call my family and wish them a Happy Thanksgiving (Thanks Taunya!). Even though it was not home with family and the traditional feast, it was a very wonderful day. Check out my Thanksgiving pics here:

I Am Thankful For...
There is so much for me to be thankful for this year. On the top of my list are my wonderful roommates, Karin and Becky. They are amazing women of God and the most amazing roommates a girl could ask for. Also on my list is my computer, internet, e-mail, blogs and Skype, which all enable me to keep in touch with my family and friends. Other things on my list: family, friends, Jesus, my new school (Narnia & CS Lewis), my students from San Jose and Slovakia, letters and packages from home, snow, warm boots, heaters, hot chocolate, good books, movies, LOST (and the brother who loned it out over many miles), buses, cell phones, dark chocolate, music, English, Slovak, new foods, and good health.

You Are Thankful For...
I would love to hear from all of you about your lists of things to be thankful for. Feel free to post a comment on my blog containing your list. God is good and has blessed us with amazing gifts according to His goodness… let’s share them with each other too!

I thank my God upon every remembrance of you. Philippians 1:3

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am thankful to be able to write, email, chat on the computer, and talk on the phone with my daughter, who is on the other side of the world...so easily. Somehow, with all these methods of communication, she doesn't seem that far away. Perhaps that is because she is always so close in my heart. I am also thankful that she is having this amazing adventure in Slovakia and other places in nearby countries. However, mostly I am thankful to have Jenni as a daughter and a friend.

from.....guess who?