19 October 2006

Ignorance is ????

So, last week, I was having dinner with some other teachers from the states and we started talking about how nice it is to not know the language sometimes. You walk by a group of “punk” looking teenage boys and think, “What nice young boys,” because you have no idea what they are saying. They could be talking about the beautiful blue sky, how lovely the flowers smell and how they are going to go home and clean the house for their mothers. Or they could be swearing and talking about how much they hate school, teachers, parents and everyone older than them. The great thing is, I have no idea. So I assume the best and think that the punk teenagers are talking about flowers and house cleaning. Ignorance is bliss.
And when the telemarketer calls, you can just start talking in English and they are sure to hang up on you. Ignorance is bliss.

Interesting fact #6
Stop lights here work differently than in the States. They still go from green to yellow to red, but instead of going straight from red to green, they have this “get ready to go” function. So, when the light is red, and about to turn green, the yellow light goes on as well as the red. Then the red and yellow lights change to green. Although it is supposed to be just a get ready to go light, the red-yellow combination light seems to mean give it as much gas as you can so you can scream through the intersection as fast as you can. Or, if you are a bus, the red-yellow means go, since it takes you so long to get going.

Ignorance is bliss… Or is it…
On the other hand, sometimes I feel like a dope. Our school announced that they were holding a bowling event for all the teachers. Kind of a teambuilding thing. Great, I thought, I love to bowl (even if I’m not very good at it). We found it with relatively no problems. We got there and put our stuff in the locker and another teacher took us to get our shoes. She asked us what size shoe we wore. Seems like such a simple question. It’s very humbling to have to say that you do not know your own shoe size. We had to pull off our shoes to see if the European size was written on the inside. Ignorance is humbling.
Or when I went to a cafĂ© and confidently ordered my drink in Slovak, after all it’s only a hot chocolate. And then, the waiter asks something. Something simple like, “Would you like whipped cream on that?” And I ask, “Co?,” (what in Slovak). He repeats and of course I don’t understand, so I have to say that I only speak English and he just shakes his head. Ignorance is humbling.

On a simpler note, having to ask someone what is on the lunch menu everyday, getting someone to write down exactly what to say when you go to buy a train ticket and then after practicing it, ending up having to give the paper to the ticket agent or having someone buy you baking powder so you will know what it looks like.

Interesting fact #7
Related to the fact above, right of way on the streets. Vehicles have the right of way. No questions asked. If you are a pedestrian, watch out. Cars actually speed up when they are approaching a person crossing the street. No kidding. They have no mercy on the elderly, children, dogs, even mothers pushing strollers. I have seen buses honk at an elderly man crossing the street. And while there are zebra crossings (crosswalks), it seems like it is an optional thing. I have learned to look both ways, two or even three times and when in doubt… RUN!

Lessons in ignorance
So, I have come to believe that God has something to teach me in all of this ignorance. First and foremost, to depend on him. I am realizing more and more every day how completely I need to depend on him. Second, to depend on other people. I like to be independent. In the States, it is a quality that is valued quite dearly. It is good to be independent and not good to be dependent. God, however, is teaching me the beauty in being dependent on others. Sometimes it is for something as simple as choosing something off a menu, other times it requires a leap of faith, such as signing a power of attorney over to someone I met only a month ago. Please pray that these humbling moments would be for me opportunities to rest in the fact that God is in control and not get frustrated by the lack of control. Thank you for all of your prayers. They have not gone unheard.

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.” (Psalm 19:1-4)


Anonymous said...

I loved your blog Jenni, it was very thought provoking. I am learning from you! I hope to learn more and I hope to hear from you more.

Granny Marie

Kris said...

Hey, Jenni! I really am keeping up with you happenings! Just a little busy! Softball, band and now Mollly is trying basketball! Keep ing touch and keep up the great updates!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jenni! This is linda Coutts. I worked at Oster and was askig about you and found out what you are up to. Wow!! What a wonderful experience. Keep up the good work. Love reading about what you are up to. All is well wit me. xoxo Lidna

Anonymous said...

Hi! I've been thinking of you recently and praying for you. Hope all is well with you and that you're healthy. We are in the last and most filthy part of our remodel. It's kind of like camping, but worse. And you know how much I LOVE camping!! Susie's been sick with bronchitis lately, but I think she's on the mend. Court misses you and says Oster just isn't the same without you. Sending our love, EK & CK

kacie said...

Hey Lady,
when do we get to see your new pictures of your traveling adventures? Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Yep thats my sister. She would be the one to right some great literary piece on a blog. So you are going to teach us all how to order hot chocolate in Slovakia when you get back, right? I have often used that saying about ignorance so I decided to look up who first said it. I think it was Thomas Gray. He actually said, "Where ignorance is bliss, 'Tis folly to be wise". Very interesting don't you think.

Anonymous said...

Okay my sister is the literary genius not me. Sorry Jenni I don't like to re-read what I WRITE but I guess I should.