08 August 2006

Less than Two weeks to go!

A day in the life of...
Well, as hard as it is to believe, I have less than two weeks left in the US before I move to Slovakia! Yeah! I am so excited! Training has been intense and hard, yet very benifitial. I have made some wonderful friends... all of whom will be living in various countries around the world, such as the Czech Republic, Hungary, Moracco, China, Vietnam, and Russia.
A typical day at training goes something like this...
6:15 - Wake up, shower and get ready for the day
7:00 - Go to breakfast and talk with friends
8:00 - Discovery Groups (affectionatly know as Disco groups) where we discuss things such as culture, leadership and personalities
9:00 - TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) learning stategies for how to teach overseas
10:30 - Sessions on our specific region (for me Central Europe) and how teaching there will be different than here
12:00 - Lunch with disco group to continue earlier discussion
12:45 - Free time, hip hip hooray!
1:30 - Session about the Teach Overseas organization
2:45 - Session about how to interact with our students
4:00 - Practicum Prep (planning lessons incorporating what we learned in our TEFL session)
5:30 - Dinner with disco group
6:30 - Leave for Practicum
7:00 - Practicum (We serve the community by teaching English class to Spanish speakers at a local community center. This gives us the opportunity to practice our teaching skills and also to give back to the community.)
9:15 - Return from Practicum and debrief with disco group
10:00 - Homework, housekeeping, and free time
11:00 or 12:00 - Bedtime
Wow! Just looking at that schedule makes me tired. It feels like I have been here for way more than just three weeks. And yet, I have less than two weeks left.
As I am finishing up my last two weeks, please pray that I would have the strength and energy to finish well. We had this weekend off and I was able to rest and relax with my new friends at the beach. It was much needed and appreciated by all. Thank you all for your continued prayers and support.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay I definitely like my scedule better! That looks like an awful lot of lecture but I suppose there are little breaks in between. Where do all the scavenger hunts fit in that scedule?! Hopefully your Slovakia Scedule will be a lot better.