29 August 2006

Home Sweet Home

First pics from Slovakia.... more to follow.

This is the building that I live in. If you walk up this pathway and to the right hand side of the building, I am on the first floor (we would call it the second floor) on the opposite side of the building. Home, sweet home.
This is the little creek that runs next to our flat. We cross it and walk next to it everyday on our way to school.
Just a beautiful skyline from our walk home from school one day last week.

We have a gas stove (Yeah!) which has to be lit with matches anytime you want to use it and no microwave, so reheating things takes some getting used to.
Our kitchen is charming.
Our little dining room and the first dinner at home. To the right are the two bedrooms, the the far left is the hall to the entryway and the bathroom. To the left is the kitchen and balcony.
Our first home cooked meal of sausage and chicken (leftovers from the beginning of school BBQ), bread, potatoes, carrots and onions, grapes and a tomato and cucumber salad.


Anonymous said...

Hi there! This is Charisma - right now we (Mike & I) are at Josh and Kates brimming over with potential cute house getting ready for our super exciting camping trip! It is so nice to be out of Fresno and breathing clean air! Great pix by the by. Your flat looks cute miss "ova." I like the little facts you toss in there. So Monday is you first day of school - very awesome. You will be amazing simply because every person you come into contact with will know you see them as special - names remembered or not. As always - I am so proud of you!!! Can't wait to hear how school kicks off.
Not much has changed in California other than you being gone and leaving a void.

Love you tons & tons! Remember to smile and laugh as much as possible!


Anonymous said...

Sweet deal...hmmm, maybe I can start work and introduce myself as Kacie Josifekova and then when people try to say it, I'll be like, "no, actually it's pronounced 'yosifekova'"...I'm liking this idea lots.... :)

Anonymous said...

So glad you are already loving it! Thanks for the pics and cultural tidbits. By the time the school year is over, we will All be smarter :-)

Carrol Q

Anonymous said...

Hey Jenni!
I just got your email and am so excited for you!! What an awesome opportunity. We will keep you in our prayers and look forward to hearing about your adventure. I think you just gave me an idea for our first unit study...Slovakia!!! Sierra loves to be read to and is beginning to read some, so we will have to check a library book out on Slovakia. We love you and miss you!
Love Lisa and (Gregory, Sierra, Shayna and Cody Daniel! 5 months old today!)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenni! It's me Patrick! I love reading your blogs and I'm happy that you're doing well. I've been praying for you! HOpe all is going well! Oh and if you talk to Kacie, give her my phone number! I don't have hers so I can't call =( I love you lots CUZ!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello it's the perry family :) . well we are all glad that you are doing well and that you are doing what you love and what you are BEST AT !!!! thoe kids sure are lucky to have you as a teacher ! well all that food looks realy good makes me hungry :) . well we will definatley keep intouch always . talk to you soon .
love the Perry's

Anonymous said...

Merry X-Mas !!! how are you doing ? we are doing well over here :) . The girls are getting very big !!! i will have to send you some pics , leya say's that you sent her your address but how exactly do you write it on an envelope :) ? i wanna make sure they get to you so i need to know :) send it to my e-mail . miss you take care .