23 July 2006

News from Slovakia!

I am so excited. Just tonight I received an email from the head of the English/language departments at Narnia, the school I will be teaching at. She wanted me to know that I will be teaching conversational English to 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th graders! Yeah! I am so glad to know that I will be teaching elementary students. I may also be teaching one class for High School students. Materials will be limited, but I know that God is able to take 5 loaves and 2 fish and feed a multitude of people, so I have no doubts that He will equip me with the things I need. Thankfully, I have a wonderful tool (known as the World Wide Web) which will enable me to find games, teaching tools, and other resources that I need. God is so good!


Anonymous said...

So...I finally checked out your blogspot....this is all so new for me. I guess It is just easier for me to find out all the info about you because I talk with you nearly every day. It will be fun to check on it every so often to see pictures, read other's comments, and discover things you did not tell me about! Sure do love you, Mom

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenni! I am so sorry we didn't connect by phone before you left, but I am praying for you and I hope you get so blessed through this opportunity! I'll keep checking....

Anonymous said...

Hey, Jenni girl. I just logged on to your blog for the first time. I'm looking forward to reading all of your news. If you still have Verizon and can use your phone there, I do too. So do Tim and Angela. Love you much, Aunt Kerry

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Anonymous said...


I begin on internet with a directory