22 May 2006

Jenni’s on the Move… Again!
In The Beginning…
It all began with a birthday and a business card. For my birthday, my sister Kacie sent me a business card for an organization called Teach Overseas. She had met the Vice President of Teach Overseas at a clinic and decided that this would be the perfect opportunity for her big sister. After a visit to their website, I received and read their brochures. It seemed very exciting, but I was not ready yet to take the leap of faith.

However, TeachOverseas was ready for me and they kept calling and leaving me messages, which I didn’t return. Finally, after the third phone call, I said, “Okay, God. Maybe You are talking to me like you did to Samuel. (I Samuel 3:1-10) I am listening.” And I called them back and talked to one of their representatives. After a wonderful hour long chat, I agreed to take a look at an application and pray about filling it out and sending it in.

After much time in prayer, I made the decision to apply. I was accepted and chose Slovakia as the place I wanted to go as I would possibly be able to teach elementary school. During this time of pondering and praying, God answered many questions and concerns I had. Kacie decided that she would move to San Jose to look for a nursing job and take care of my house and my kitty. He also gave me a passage of scripture as encouragement and confirmation that I am following His will. God is amazing in the way that He speaks to us! I encourage all of you to be listening for His voice. You never know what He wants you to do or where He wants you to go, but I promise you, it will be amazing!
The big important details…
When: Mid July to Mid Aug, 2006 – Cultural and teaching training in Los Angeles area
Mid Aug to Mid June 2007 – Teaching, living and learning in Slovakia
Where: Bratislava, Slovakia – the capital city, located on the western edge
What: Teaching English and other subjects to middle or high school students
Why: To share the love of God and the English language with those in Slovakia
How: TeachOverseas is a non-profit organization that sends teachers to countries all over the world to teach English and share the love of God.
II Corinthians 2:14-17
Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. To the one we are the aroma of death leading to death, and to the other the aroma of life leading to life. And who is sufficient for these things? For we are not, as so many, peddling the word of God; but as of sincerity, but as from God, we speak in the sight of God in Christ.
What will I be doing?
I will be teaching English to elementary, middle or high school students. At this time, there are two different schools where I could be working at. One is an international school and one is a bilingual school. I will be teaching for about four hours a day. These schools all have block scheduling, more like a college schedule than an elementary school. For more information, go to http://www.teachoverseas.org.
Why am I doing this?
As many of you know, I was able to take two trips to St. Petersburg, Russia in 2002 and 2003. Those trips changed me forever. I have wanted to return to Europe ever since. When the opportunity to teach overseas came up, I prayed about it and really felt the Lord saying, “Go!” I want to be able to go overseas and use the gift of teaching that the Lord has given me to bless others. The opportunity to go overseas is one that may not always be an option, so I am excited that I can go and have such an amazing adventure!
Where is Slovakia?
Slovakia is located in Eastern Europe. It is bordered by Poland, Ukraine, Hungary, Austria and the Czech Republic. Bratislava is the capital of Slovakia and is located on the western edge of the country.
Your Prayers Are Needed!
For Health...
Living overseas is always different and it can be hard to adjust.
For Strength...
I will have to learn how to do everything, shopping, going places and conversing, all over again.
For Wisdom...
I will need wisdom to keep up with lesson planning and finding my way around a new country.
For Power...
I will need will- power to keep going when things get hard and when I get homesick.
For Opportunities...
I want to be able to share the love of God with not only my students but with everyone I meet.

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